Thinking of Texas. What can I do to help?

My heart was aching this morning as I read more about the flooding in Texas. I looked over sites about donations and disaster relief sites tears welled up as I saw airbnb owners opening their rentals to the displaced victims at no cost. I saw disaster workers exhausted from their efforts. I can't image the aftermath and cleanup to come. I thought about how grateful I am for my family and home and considered what I could do to help. I've also been thinking of family and friends undergoing challenges and trials. Often I feel so ill equipped to help. But I remember the story of Jesus taking a few fish and loaves of bread and feeding thousands -- he took the little they had and did amazing things. I remembered the story of a man walking a beach littered with starfish washed ashore unable to return to sea. "An impossible task to help them all" his companion chided. "I helped this one" the man replied tossing one and then another back into the sea. We can do good with even a little of what we have to give. This morning I created three blends. Blends that I created with several friends in mind: who need help calming a child to sleep or sleeping well themselves, who deal with daily stresses or unexpected challenges, who deal daily with aches and physical challenges. And I found a charity that meets simple needs of families with diapers, baby supplies, shelter, and supplies for seniors -- The Texas Diaper Bank. Bringing the two together I'd like to donate $8 from the sale of each blend to that fund to help meet needs of families in Texas and support local families therapeutically with these affordable blends.
The blends include Open Hearts blend: This blend was created with the intention of opening the heart, calming, and soothing. Jasmine absolute (Jasminum grandiflorum), lime (Citrus aurantifolia) , grapefruit (Citrus paradisi), cedarwood (Juniperus virginiana) and vanilla oleoresin (Vanilla planifolia) infused jojoba oil combine to create a kind, comforting blend. Jasmine supports mood and reduces feeling of stress. Lime and grapefruit are uplifiting and support immune health. Cedarwood is grouding and calming as well as decongesting.
Restore Blend: This blend was created with the intention of easing muscle and joint aches. Black pepper (Piper nigrum), lavender (Lavendula angustafolia), gingergrass (Cymbopogon martini var. sofia, peppermint (Mentha x piperita), juniper berry (Juniperus communis), and rosemary (Rosemarinus officinalis ct. camphor) combine with organic jojoba oil. These oils were chosen for their analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and decongesting properties. Apply the oil as needed to sore muscles and joints. Excellent for massage. Apply to temples or forehead for headache. This blend can also help energize and support focus.
Gratitude Sleep Blend: This blend was created with the intention of soothing stress and promoting peaceful sleep. With gratitude we can let go of the things that cause us worry and stress and give thanks for the everyday blessings. Apply the blend as needed or 15-30 minutes before bed and ponder all you have to be grateful for. Ylang-ylang (Cananga odorata), lavender (Lavandula angustafolia), cedarwood (Juniperus virginiana), green mandarin (Citrus reticulata), Roman chamomile (Chamaeemelum nobile), and vanilla oleoresin (Vanilla planifolia infused organic jojba oil combine to create this soothing blend.
$8 from each sale of these blends will be donated to the Texas Diaper Bank. You can find blends here: Blends for Charity.
If you'd like to learn more about helping families in Texas here are a few links that describe relief efforts:
In the future I plan to continue these charitable efforts both locally and elsewhere. Please contact me if you have a local cause you'd like me to consider.