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Soothe Aches and Support Immune Health with Sugandha Kolkila (Cinnamomum glaucescens)

I've recently been making a lot of blends to soothe muscle and joint aches and have been incorporating unique essential oils. I like using unusual essential oils to give the body additional pathways to soothe aches and to incorporate plant energetics and other qualities as well. Often aches occur alongside stress and tension and essential oils can help address in addition to provide analgesic effects. One oil I've been incorporating recently is sugandha Kolkila (Cinnamomum glaucescens).

Sugandha Kolkila (Cinnamomum glaucescens) pronounced: "Su-Gan-Dha Ko-Ki-La" belongs to the same genus as cinnamon bark (Cinnamomum zeylanicum), cinnamon leaf (Cinnamomum zeylanicum), and ravintsara (Cinnamomum camphor). It is an evergreen tree native to Bhutan, India, and Nepal. It is also known as cinnamon fruit oil and said to be "A gift to perfumers from the Himalayan Kingdom of Nepal". The oil is distilled from the dried fruit and like it's genus members it is analgesic, anti-microbial and also has decongestant properties.

Sugandha Kolkila aroma is described as exotic, warm, spicy, and camphoraceous. It is reported to increase circulation, reduce aches and inflammation, and fight germs.

It is rich in monoterpenes (a-phellandrene, b-phellandrene, and p-cymeme), oxides (1,8 cineole), and ethers (myristicin and methyl eugenol). It also contains a bit of camphor.

Phellandrene (a) has been shown to be anti-bacterial (1) and antispasmodic (2). Phellandrene (b) is reported to have anti-fungal properties (3). p-cymeme is analgesic (4) and also has anti-microbial (5) properties.

Ethers are often anti-spasmodic and may be anti-infectious and are generally carminative (reduce flatulence).

1, 8 cineole is reported to be anti-inflammatory (6), analgesic (7), anti-spasmodic (8), and increases cerebral blood flow (9) in addition to fighting germs (10).

These aromatic compounds make sugandha Kolkila a good choice in blends to relieve muscle, joint, and head aches as well as in blends for relief from aches during cold and flu. It can help calm aches, increase blood flow, and support immune health. It is also said to support the nervous system.

Energetically sugandha Kolkila is said to be emotionally uplifting, aids in concentration, soothes exhaustion and encourages a sense of support. As an essential oil from a fruit it is thought to have a cleansing and uplifting effect, good for lymphatic and emotional cleansing. Fruit essential oils can bring a fresh, clear energy to a space. Fruits protect and nurture seeds and can be used to encourage fun, creativity, ease, and inspiration. They can offer joy to the heart and mind. The emotional and energetic component is a great thing to keep in mind when blending for aches.

How to use:

Sugandha Kolkila works well in aromatic and topical blends. Try blending with peppermint, spike lavender, and lemon or orange either in an inhaler or in a base of jojoba or unscented lotion for headache relief. Inhale or apply topically. The topical application would also be useful for neck, joint, or muscles aches and can be enhanced by using a carrier infused with arnica, St. John's Wort, or calendula.

If you have questions about sugandha Kolkila, essential oils, or aromatherapy contact Tricia.

  1. Deans S G, Svoboda K P (1988) Antibacterial activity of French tarragon (Artemisia dracunculus Linn.) essential oil and its constituents during ontology. Journal of Horticultural Science 63 (3): 503-508

2. Riyazi A, Hensel RA, Bauer K et al (2007) The effect of the volatile oil from ginger rhizomes (Zingiber officinale), its fractions and isolated compounds on the 5-HT3 receptor complex and the serotoninergic system of the rat ileum. Planta Medica 73:355-362

3. Tampieri MP, Galuppi R, Macchioni F et al (2005) The inhibition of Candida albicans by selected essential oils and their major components. Mycopathologia 159:339-345

4. Santos FA, Rao VS, Silveira ER (1996) Nalaxone-resistant antinociceptive activity in the essential oil of Psidium pohlianum Berg. Phytomedicine 3:197-20

5. Astani A, Reichling J, Schnitzler P (2010) Comparative study on the antiviral activity of selected monoterpenes derived from essential oils. Phytotherapy Research 24:673-679

5. Kiskó G, Roller S (2005) Carvacrol and p-cymene inactivate Escherichia coli O157:H7 in apple juice. BMC Microbiology doi: 10.1186/1471-2180-5-36

6. Juergens UR, Dethlefsen U, Steinkamp G et al (2003) Anti-inflammatoryactivity of 1,8 cineole (eucalpytol) in bronchial asthma: a double blind, placebo controlled trial. Respiratory Medicine 97:250-256

7. Santos FA, Rao VS (2000) Antiinflammatory and antinociceptive effects of 1,8-cineole a terpenoid oxide present in many plant essential oils. Phytotherapy Research 14:240-244

8. Nascimento NR, Refosco RM, Vasconcelos EC (2009) 1,8-Cineole induces relaxation in rat and guinea-pig airway smooth muscle. Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmacology 61:361-366

9. Nasel C, Nasel B, Samec P, Schindler E et al (1994) Functional imaging of effects of fragrances on the human brain after prolonged inhalation. Chemcial Senses 19(4):359-364

10. Sato K, Krist S, Buchbauer G (2007) Antimicrobial effect of vapours of geraniol, (R)-(-)-linalool, terpineol, gamma-terpinene and 1,8-cineole on airborne microbes using an airwasher. Flavour & Fragrance Journal 22:435-43

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The statements made on this website are for educational purposes and have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking treatment based on something you've read or accessed through  this website. Tricia Ambroziak is a professional aromatherapist and cosmetic formulator but not a licensed health care professional.


 I understand that essential oils and aromatherapy are not a substitute for professional medical care. I understand that the products being sold by ABT are not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease.


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