Bergamot Mint Essential Oil in the Spotlight

Maybe you've heard about being a little bit country and a little bit rock and roll -- but how about a little bit citrus and a little bit mint?
Meet bergamot mint (Mentha citrata): fruity and fresh, slightly citrusy yet calming. This mint features linalool, linalyl acetate, and a bit of beta caryophyllene with less than 1% menthol. It's profile is similar to lavender and bergamot and that makes it a great essential oil for all things calming and soothing.
So it's great if you'd like a change from the usual lavender and unlike bergamot it is NOT phototoxic.
How to use bergamot mint:
This oils works great in the diffuser, in an inhaler, and for massage. It can support the immune system, ease muscle aches, and soothe the skin and senses.
Try adding bergamot mint along with lime or lemon and a touch of lavender to an inhaler or diffuser for a soothing yet sunny blend:
2 drops bergamot mint
2 drops lime
1 drop lavender
add to a diffuser and enjoy. Triple the amounts to add to an inhaler.
For a lovely massage lotion or oil try combining bergamot mint with orange and lavender in an unscented lotion or oil for an uplifting aroma that will soothe muscle aches and promote a sense of relaxation.
1 ounce carrier oil such as jojoba or fractionated coconut oil
3 drops bergamot mint
3 drops lavender
3 drops orange.
Add essential oils to carrier and combine. Massage onto neck or muscles as needed for relaxation or soothing.
So if you'd like to relax with something a little different than lavender give bergamot mint a try.
If you have questions about aromatherapy or essential oils contact Tricia. To purchase essential oils or aromatherapy products visit the webstore.
Hope you've enjoyed learning a little bit about bergamot mint.
Aromatic blessings!